NCTS – a commitment to the European continent?
As of October 1, Ukraine is a part of The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS). A look at latest developments.
As of October 1, Ukraine is a part of The New Computerised Transit System (NCTS). A look at latest developments.
Membership in the European Union is not a prerequisite for joining the common transit procedure. For simplified trade on the European continent, on the other hand, NCTS is elementary.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance lists the following main objectives of NCTS:
Practice shows: Waiting times at the border are reduced, resulting in efficiency that pays off.
The following differences distinguish the Union transit procedure and the common transit procedure:
NCTS is applied in the customs territory of the Union. In addition to the EU member states, this also includes Monaco and Northern Ireland. San Marino and Andorra also participate in the Union transit procedure.
For the common transit procedure, the group of participants is expanded to include the four EFTA countries Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Iceland, as well as Turkey (since December 1, 2016), Northern Macedonia (since July 1, 2015), Serbia (since February 1, 2016), the United Kingdom (since January 1, 2021), and now Ukraine (since October 1, 2022).
Over 3,000 customs offices are linked in this way, you can find them on the current list of all customs offices.
The acceleration of customs clearance has also boosted trade within the countries that have joined the agreement. Digital data transmission is a key success factor here. It therefore goes without saying that further developments must be made on an ongoing basis.
The contracting parties are in the process of migrating from NCTS version 4 to version 5. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance summarizes the goals as follows: “The goals of NCTS 5 are to align processes with the provisions of the UCC, introduce the EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM), and interface with the Automated Export System (AES) when an export consignment is transferred into a transit procedure.” The migration to NCTS 5 is scheduled to be completed for all parties by December 1, 2023.