Transport management software

Digital freight settlement: from purchasing to billing

Bring efficiency and visibility to your freight settlement and manage costs with AEB software. Take care of all your end-to-end processes digitally - from freight tenders, purchasing, and freight rate management with transport partners to invoice auditing, settlement, and billing. Minimize errors by reducing manual data entry and checking your input with algorithms.

Freight procurement simplified

Freight rates can change a lot, making it hard to predict capacity. This is one of the biggest challenges in managing freight. Demand is also growing for sourcing strategies with a greater focus on sustainability and reliability.

We need long-term, collaborative partnerships with transport service providers, along with flexible decision-making processes. AEB software helps you tackle these challenges. It enables complete digital procurement strategies for the spot market and for managing bids or tenders.

  • Spot market: Get quotes, compare rates, and award contracts with just a few clicks of the mouse
  • Tender management:Automate your calls for freight tenders and apply templates for standardized, easy-to-compare quotes

Flexible rate management, freight cost calculation and freight settlement

  • Collect and manage freight rates in any format
  • Use calculation types like weight-based calculations. Consider other factors such as diesel surcharges, tolls, handling costs, and packaging fees. Also, include charges for load devices and hazardous goods.
  • Map even complex calculation schemes and multidimensional rate structures
  • Automate freight cost calculation for shipments based on defined rates and shipping data from shipping or ERP systems
  • Generate cost data quickly for customer freight costs and (automated) carrier selection

Simulations and analyses for enhanced visibility

AEB software helps you make good decisions based on solid, data-driven insights. Prepare calls for tenders quickly and easily, and compare and evaluate rates and tenders from various carriers and parcel services. Or analyze how your freight costs will change if you switch sites, reassign orders, or change the transport or service type. It’s also the ideal tool for negotiations with your transport partners.

Extensive business intelligence and evaluation options mean you always have the big picture on actual freight costs and can run detailed analyses by material, cost center, etc.

Manage freight invoices efficiently with digital freight audit

Use AEB software to easily monitor incoming carrier invoices. This helps minimize the effort of checking invoices, reduce errors, and identify potential savings.

  • Easily import incoming invoices through a web service or CSV file import interface, with a manual entry option as well
  • Check the calculated freight costs against the amounts actually invoiced by the carrier - item by item
  • Reject invoices (if major differences are found) or accept differences (if minor)

Automated and accelerated payment for freight settlement

  • Receive and process electronic invoices from your business partners in EDI and other formats
  • Automate account assignment and cost allocation/booking, including cumulation on invoices
  • Initiate payment transactions in financial system

Easy integration into your existing system environment

To get the most efficiency and automation, use Freight Cost Management with an AEB transport management system. You can also integrate it into systems like ERP, shipping, or WMS solutions. State-of-the-art APIs make it easy to integrate seamlessly into your system environment.

Freight settlement and cost management as part of AEB Cloud transport management

You can easily integrate our freight cost management software into your existing system environment. Or better yet: Use them as part of a comprehensive AEB transport management system tailored to your precise needs that largely automates your processes.

Your first step to flexible, efficient transportation management is simple

Arrange a no-obligation appointment with our AEB experts for transport management software and systems

Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Ted Roth

Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa

Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa

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