Transport management software

Measure, manage, and minimize logistics CO2 emissions

AEB transport management systems let you manage your logistics processes with an eye on logistics CO2 emissions: from carbon footprint measurement to analysis and reporting tools to optimization and offset strategies. We combine the best of our own AEB Cloud Services with the solutions of our specialized partners and data providers.

Carbon footprint calculation and reporting

  • Calculate transport emissions for each individual shipment
  • Keep an eye on all your logistics CO2 emissions in one place
  • Validate, augment, and standardize data
  • Measure logistics CO2 emissions directly at the source by connecting shipping companies, airlines, parcel services, and carriers
  • Run comparisons and benchmarking against other companies
  • Automate your sustainability reporting by giving customers real-time info on the emissions of each shipment

CO2 management and optimization

  • Reduce logistics carbon footprint through smart transport selection based on precalculated carbon impact
  • Avoid emissions through smart decisions based on network effects
  • Apply rules-based, automated processes to offset transport emissions at the shipment level

Climate-neutral cloud services

AEB has been climate-neutral since 2019 thanks to extensive sustainability measures and offsets for the CO2 emissions that cannot be avoided. The infrastructure for the AEB Cloud Services relies on an efficient, environmentally sustainable energy concept: Our data centers are supplied by our own on-site solar photovoltaic system and supplemented by green energy when needed. We also capture the waste heat from our data centers and use it for building and water heating.

CO2 management as part of AEB Cloud transport management

You can easily integrate our CO2 measurement and management solutions into your existing system environment. Or better yet: Use them as part of a comprehensive AEB transport management system tailored to your precise needs that largely automates your processes.

Your first step to flexible, efficient transportation management is simple

Arrange a no-obligation appointment with our AEB experts for transport management software and systems

Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Ted Roth

Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa

Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa