Customs Management videos

From export declarations and preference calculation to obtaining and managing supplier’s declarations. In these videos, we show you how easy it is to use the Origin & Preferences and Supplier Declaration Exchange applications.

Origin & Preferences
Supplier Declaration Exchange

Login to Origin & Preferences

Learn how to log in to Origin & Preferences.

Requesting, reviewing, and approving proofs

See here how you can use Supplier Declaration Exchange to request, review, and approve proofs.

Managing and issuing supplier's declarations

As a supplier, you can easily issue your supplier’s declarations in the business partner portal.

It's easy: Working with your AEB application

Logging in and finding your way around in your AEB application

Find out here how to start your AEB application, use the desktop, and work with favorites.

Working conveniently in your AEB application

You can set up the AEB applications to suit your way of working – exactly as you need them.

Configuring and activating notifications about events

Learn how to configure and enable notifications about events in your AEB application.

Defining conditions for notifications and using your own notification texts

You can define conditions or exceptions for notifications and use your own notification texts.