Classification done right, with the right customs master data
Classification done right, with the right customs master data
Product Classification

Classify the smart way: with AI, master data, and data service

Product Classification lets you easily browse up to 150 customs tariffs to find the right commodity code and export control number. Thanks to pretrained artificial intelligence, clever master data management, and our continuously updated partner content.

Is classification driving you crazy?

You know the feeling: sifting through poor-quality data looking for the right nomenclature, trying to keep up with HS header changes, stressing over audits. 

Product Classification is a reliable, intuitive tool for finding just the right import and export commodity code and export control number – in a process that can be manual, automated, or customized to your precise needs.

Unbeatable combination: three technologies for fast, automated, accurate product classification

Product Classification relies on a winning combination of pretrained AI with smart rulebases, centrally managed customs master data, and a data service with automatic updates. Working together to quickly deliver the best possible result.

1. AI- and rules-based automation:

Artificial intelligence pools information from your master data, the customs tariff, and other sources to automatically generate the right suggestions.

2. Customs master data management:

Commodity codes, export control numbers, goods descriptions, CAS numbers, and all the other customs-related master data: Everything has its place in Product Classification. Easy to find, easy to manage. And it’s easy to define other data fields at any time and thus maintain further global trade data.

3. Up-to-date data service:

Access customs tariffs, export control lists, and nomenclatures from up to 150 countries. Product Classification automatically imports, checks, and updates the latest data – in collaboration with leading content providers.

A quick look: how Product Classification works

Discover the intuitive user interface, easy integration, and rich feature set of Product Classification. 

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Want to accelerate your product classification? Schedule a consultation at no obligation. We’ll show you how Product Classification can make your work easier and find the right solution for you.

More features: how Product Classification makes your work easier

Three paths to classification

Find the product classification process that’s right for you: manual, automated, or customized to your precise needs. 

Year-end updates

Have the commodity codes, customs tariff codes, or HS codes changed? No problem with our year-end update feature. Product Classification notifies you when action is required, and you choose the right suggestion. Manage changes without stress before they take effect: The software remembers the correct codes and updates them on the correct date. 

Mapping directory

Product Classification checks whether the mapping directory already has a match for your selected commodity code based on previously classified materials. This makes a good first step in the product classification process.

Outlier analysis

Product Classification analyzes your existing material and classification data, then uses AI to automatically generate accurate suggestions for new materials. It’s that simple! An outlier analysis feature optimizes the results and identifies any differences from the stored value. This helps the system improve the quality and reliability of its learning.

Integration without borders: Find commodity codes where you need them


The AEB add-ons automate the search for the right commodity code and export control number in SAP® ERP and SAP S/4HANA® by accessing your material master data directly. The classification happens in Product Classification. Approved changes are synced with the material master of your SAP® system.

Other ERP systems

Our Product Classification application programming interface (API) lets you integrate other IT systems. Support is available from our API documentation, test features, and teams of experts.

Easily accessible via web service

Transfer material master data, sync data with the ERP system, access content data, embed Product Classification interfaces in your host system: Dedicated web services make all of this possible.

Import and export via file interface

You can also import or export data using the file interface. A standardized file interface makes it possible to import the relevant data in a predefined format and then export it again when classification is complete.

Fair price packages, based on the number of materials you need to classify

Pricing Model Product Classification
Cloud fee
From 382 EUR / month

Cloud fee inclusive add-ons for SAP®
From 649.50 EUR / month

0.5035 EUR for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services

Features and add-ons
  • Classification by commodity code (import/export)
  • Classification by export control number
  • Browsing and searching in catalogs
  • Incorporation of content services as a basis for catalogs and classification
  • Comprehensive logging of changes
  • Support
Cloud fee
From 1,326 EUR / month

Cloud fee inclusive add-ons for SAP®
From 1,593.50 EUR / month

0.1261 EUR for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services

Features and add-ons
  • Classification by commodity code (import/export)
  • Classification by export control number
  • Browsing and searching in catalogs
  • Incorporation of content services as a basis for catalogs and classification
  • Comprehensive logging of changes
  • Support
Cloud fee
From 3,691 EUR / month

Cloud fee inclusive add-ons for SAP®
From 3,958.50 EUR / month

0.0886 EUR for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services

Features and add-ons
  • Classification by commodity code (import/export)
  • Classification by export control number
  • Browsing and searching in catalogs
  • Incorporation of content services as a basis for catalogs and classification
  • Comprehensive logging of changes
  • Support

Cloud fee
On request

Cloud fee inclusive add-ons for SAP®
On request

Contact us for detailed information and pricing on the Enterprise+ model

Features and add-ons
  • Classification by commodity code (import/export)
  • Classification by export control number
  • Browsing and searching in catalogs
  • Incorporation of content services as a basis for catalogs and classification
  • Comprehensive logging of changes
  • Support

Want to know more? 

Want to accelerate your product classification? Schedule a consultation at no obligation. We’ll show you how Product Classification can make your work easier and find the right solution for you.