Cloud fee
From 1,326 EUR / month
From 1,591 CHF / month
From 1,193 GBP / month
From 1,724 USD / month
From 13,923 SEK / month
Cloud fee inclusive add-ons for SAP®
From 1,593.50 EUR / month
From 1,912 CHF / month
From 1,433.75 GBP / month
From 2,071.75 USD / month
From 16,731.75 SEK / month
0.1261 EUR for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services
0.1514 CHF for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services
0.1135 GBP for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services
0.1639 USD for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services
1.3244 SEK for each additional material
plus setup fee and costs for content services
- Classification by commodity code (import/export)
- Classification by export control number
- Browsing and searching in catalogs
- Incorporation of content services as a basis for catalogs and classification
- Comprehensive logging of changes
- Support