Standing up for freedom and values together
The suffering in Ukraine touches us, but it does not make us powerless. We are in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and stand up for freedom and democracy.
The suffering in Ukraine touches us, but it does not make us powerless. We are in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and stand up for freedom and democracy.
The images and news that we’ve been receiving since February are shocking. The attack on Ukraine is an attack on freedom and democracy – on immutable fundamental rights. These rights of every individual – across regions, cultures, and nationalities – are non-negotiable. This also applies in case of opposing opinions and views.
We live and work guided by an inherent understanding to respect the freedom of others, balance interests, and take proportionality into account. This can only succeed when one's own perspectives are combined with those of others.
With the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian government is going against these fundamental values that are deeply rooted in our society and on which AEB’s philosophy is based. With great distress we witness the harrowing events that are taking place not far from us. Our thoughts are with all the people who are suffering from the current situation. But now, we need more than thoughts and words, it’s our actions that count.
That is why we actively participate in and financially contribute to the efforts to show solidarity with Ukraine: We’re donating to the charity “Aktion Deutschland Hilft” to help quickly and in a coordinated manner. This is how we assume and practice responsibility.
We firmly believe that every individual is responsible for doing the right thing and defending values under threat – for themselves, a cause, or a common purpose, and especially for those who lack the possibilities and means to do so.
Mutual respect, tolerance, and openness enable us to seek dialog and find solutions together, even in conflict situations. We believe that the joint commitment of all contributors in politics and societies across the globe makes a decisive difference.