Automated DECO customs declarations for e-commerce shipments
Find out how to efficiently import low value consignments and process DECO customs declarations for e-commerce shipments to the Netherlands with speed and ease.
Find out how to efficiently import low value consignments and process DECO customs declarations for e-commerce shipments to the Netherlands with speed and ease.
On July 1, 2021, a new declaration procedure for e-commerce shipments took effect: a mandatory customs declaration must since be made in DECO, a brand-new IT system of the Dutch customs authorities. This applies to shipments from outside of the EU with a value of up to €150 and exempted from customs duties. The rule does not cover goods that are prohibited or restricted.
AEB's developers worked hard on an automated solution for this new e-customs procedure. Support for DECO declarations was added to AEB's existing import filing solution for the Netherlands in July 2021. It is now called Import Filing: DECO – a single solution that can process both regular and e-commerce declarations. Since the solution has been launched, it has already successfully processed high volumes of DECO declarations with speed and security.
Import Filing: DECO ensures that all customs declarations for e-commerce shipments imported into the Netherlands comply with the new, mandatory 'super reduced dataset.' The solution also ensures that the correct data is included when the customs regulations 'Import procedure' and 'Special Arrangement' are applied and used for payment of import VAT.
For DMS and DECO in the Netherlands and for declarations in the e-customs systems of Germany (ATLAS IMPOST), the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Switzerland.