Transport management software

Better decisions with transport planning software

Use the power of data to optimize our workflows: Plan the inbound and distribution logistics of your shipments and transports. AEB transport planning software supports operational planning when you’re consolidating consignments and looking for the right transport routes and partners.

Transport planning software for enhanced efficiency and supply chain performance

Transport planning software: Flexibility in scheduling and rescheduling
Transport planning software: Flexibility in scheduling and rescheduling

Flexibility in scheduling and rescheduling

Transport planning software: Better use of capacities, lower costs
Transport planning software: Better use of capacities, lower costs

Better use of capacities, lower costs

Transport planning software: Lower planning costs
Transport planning software: Lower planning costs

Lower planning costs

Load planning and load consolidation 

  • Automated planning of transport activities
  • Automated, smart technology for collective consignments and consignment consolidation
  • Freely defined consolidation strategies that can be adapted at any time
  • Manual adjustment and automated recalculation of shipping schedules and consolidations

Choosing the right route, mode, carrier, and rate

  • Plan and select multimodal transport chains
  • Choose the best transport service provider and services based on different criteria. Consider factors like target region, weight, package type, price, lead time, and quality. You can also use your own rules and specifications.
  • Scale to your needs: from quick launch and simple decision trees to complex rulesets
  • Automatically or manually select from multiple carrier matches

Integrated planning flexibility

  • Flexible, automated rescheduling following disruptions, incidents, etc.
  • Integrated process modeling to easily integrate new and changed requirements and tasks into existing processes

Transport planning software in AEB transport management

You can easily integrate our transport planning software into your existing system environment. Or better yet, use them in a complete AEB transport management system. You can tailor this system to your needs, and it will largely automate your processes.

Your first step to flexible, efficient transportation management is simple

Arrange a no-obligation appointment with our AEB experts for transport management software and systems

Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Ted Roth - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Ted Roth

Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa - AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa

Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Markus Eichhorn – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Markus Eichhorn

Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software
Bulcsu Karsa – AEB expert for Transportation Management Software

Bulcsu Karsa